In the short stories packet we had, there was a story titled “The Secret Woman” by Colette. Although we weren’t assigned this story, I decided to take a look at it.
The main character, Irene, and her husband, lied from the start of the story all the way until the end. Specifically, Irene said at the start “As for me…Can you see me in a crowd, at the mercy of all those hands…” (38). She was speaking about the ball and how she didn’t want to go alone since her husband wouldn’t be there to accompany her (but he was lying as well, he was going to be at the ball). But later in the story, when both characters are observed participating at the ball, it is clear that Irene enjoys it. At the end of the story the author narrates “the monstrous pleasure of being alone, free, honest in her crude, naive state, of being the unknown woman, eternally solitary and shameless, restored to her irremediable solitude and immodest innocence by a little mask and a concealing costume” (41). This gives the reader an insight into what Irene really wants. She just wants to be free, without the rules of her husband or society weighing down on her, she is able to do whatever she wants. The costume she wears is a social barrier and helps her embrace the freedom she is deserving of.
I feel like this is such an incredible story because it gives a clear insight into what it’s like to try and fit in as what people view as the “perfect woman” in society. It also challenges the view that women are simple and made to live under their husbands. Irene is a great example of a complicated woman that doesn’t need her husband to thrive in society.
From an outside perspective, or if you haven’t read this story, would you agree or disagree with the idea that Irene is challenging stereotypes?
Leah S
I also read this story, and I definitely agree that Irene challenges the typical stereotype of what a woman’s role is in society: to be a wife and a mother, nothing more. In our society, since women’s oppression and dependence on men is necessary to uplift male dominance, it is unfathomable for most people to understand that women desire our autonomy just as much as men do. Historically, we have been seen as unable to be independent from men, so Irene definitely shows the modern complexities of what a woman can be in my opinion.